Which are the best lenses for sport?
That’s a good question. In our opinion, there is an awful lot of marketing pseudo-science at the moment, where people are being implored to buy a myriad of different lens tints that are, apparently, specifically for a particular sport, or to buy sunglasses with masses of interchangeable lenses, for different applications.
This is where it gets a little complicated, because it’s perfectly possible to produce lenses that enhance particular colours or which may be more appropriate in varying light conditions, it’s just that most of these lenses aren’t very good.
So, here’s what we think is important. Lenses should have high impact resistance, great optics, high contrast, HD, and excellent vibrant colour acuity – which is description of all Bigatmo lenses! Our research told us that people tend to gravitate to either copper-brown or grey lenses and that to be super comfortable wearing your sunglasses for extended periods is key. Our Alutra photochromic lens is particularly versatile and is really capable where light levels might vary more. Polarized lenses can be useful for many water sports, including fishing. They can also be good where you are dealing with high reflective glare, although anecdotal evidence suggests that people prefer our Alutra copper-brown lenses for skiing.
In summary, check them out and choose the tint that you prefer to look through. If you’ve got a specific query, please give us a call as we may be able to help (+44 1622 844030).
If you’re an aspiring world class shooter, for example, there may well be an opportunity to produce a rule hugging bespoke solution. But, for the rest of us, owning one or two pairs of excellent sunglasses, that you really get on with, is much more valuable than masses of dubious quality lenses that don’t really work.
Incidentally, we believe that the frames are really important as well because, unless they are comfortable and stay in place, you’re likely to be a little compromised when leaping about all over the place.
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